Celebrating 'Condo Kids' anniversary by going back to school

Since launching The Condo Kids a year ago, so many unique and unexpected opportunities have come my way. Visiting schools to read to children has been one of the biggest upside surprises! Kids have the best questions and their enthusiasm is infectious. I was honoured to have been asked to be the guest speaker at Aloma Crescent Public School’s Mother’s Day breakfast in Brampton last week and read to some of the students in the library too. Being in the company of so many eager young readers was the best possible way to mark the one-year anniversary of The Condo Kids! It also ended up being an early Mother’s Day present... While writing my speech, I was able to reflect on my experience as a mother and think back to all of the gifts my children have brought to my life. I realized it was right after the birth of my oldest son that my creativity was re-awakened and I started feeling inspired to write again after years editing other people's words. It was also my boys who inspired me to write The Condo Kids and they are the ones who are constantly encouraging me to write more books.